Tuition & Costs
- Summary
Pricing is set to provide quality care and programs at affordable prices.
- Enrollment
Full time enrollment is open to any child of appropriate age. Full time tuition is still applied to any part time families, no discounts will be applied. All children must be registered and a $80/child or $120/family fee is required to reserve placement.
- 6 Weeks to 24 Months $265.00/week
- 24 Months to 36 Months $250.00/week
- 3 Years to 5 Years/Preschool $235.00/week*
(*Potty trained rate, $250/week if not potty trained)
- Kindergarten Care $225.00/week
- School Age Care (before/after school) $120.00/week
- School Age Summer Care $220.00/week
- Payments
Tuition must be paid in advance. Child Care fees are due each Friday or a $5.00 late fee will be added. A payment envelope will be provided for you, it is to be placed in the fee box. If payment is made by check, your payment must clear the bank or cash will be expected thereafter. A $25.00/Bank Charge will be added if returned.
- Late Fee/Overtime Charges
Pick up time is 5:30 PM sharp. After 5:30 PM there will be a charge of $10.00 for every 15 minutes you are late per staff member. This is to be paid directly to the caregiver. Our tuition covers up to 10 hours per day. If care is needed over 10 hours, an overtime fee will be charged.
- Re-registration
Required if a family withdrawals for the summer.
- Records
Transfer of your child’s records is available upon request. A two week notice is required and a parent’s signature is necessary to release information.
- Subsidized Care
Montgomery County Office of Child Care Services
800-281-1116, or Berks County 800-252-3038
Chip – Children’s Health Insurance Program